Sunday Eucharist 8:30 a.m. - Spoken Word 10:00 a.m. - Music & Live Stream
Sunday Eucharist 8:30 a.m. - Spoken Word 10:00 a.m. - Music & Live Stream
Greetings in the name of Jesus, and welcome to Christ the King Epiphany Church! The church is so much more than the pastor, which is why I hope you'll take time to look at the rest of our website. At the same time, however, I know that getting a feel for the called leader of a congregation is incredibly important, so I'd like to share just a little bit about myself.
Here's the boring, professional stuff that I feel obligated to share. I came to CTKE in August of 2021. Prior to this call, I served as a pastor in the Northeastern Pennsylvania Synod (ELCA) for 23 years. My seminary education was at the Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia (now United Lutheran Seminary), and I also hold undergraduate and graduate degrees in church music (from Lebanon Valley College and Westminster Choir College.)
Now here's the more interesting stuff that makes me ME! My spouse, Tricia, and I live nearby in Springfield. I am energized by spending time in God's good creation - walking in the woods, kayaking on a quiet pond, or taking care of the yard that is my second sanctuary. Singing with others also brings me great joy and I love to get lost in a good book. I love to laugh and play, I strive to be a good communicator and team-builder, and just about the best compliment that anyone could ever pay me is to say that I am authentic. To quote Popeye (and St. Paul (1 Cor. 15:10) - "I am what I am" - by the grace of God.
I love being a part of the CTKE family, and I think you would, too. That's why I encourage you to check out our weekly announcements and monthly newsletter (linked on our home page) and to follow us on Facebook and YouTube to see how alive the Holy Spirit is here at CTKE!
Hello, I'm Michael Hamiliton, Deacon here at Christ the King-Epiphany church. I was ordained a Deacon in 2007 and have served in several parishes in eastern Massachusetts before coming to the Episcopal Diocese of Western Massachusetts in 2021.
My secular job for 30+ years is a hospital Pharmacist. I enjoy learning new skills, especially those involving homesteading. This includes animal husbandry and production, canning, dehydrating, storing, freeze drying, pickling, and preserving food as a way to share skills with others, particularly with people that live with food scarcity.
As a deacon, I believe it is important to allow the silenced voices or the underappreciated to be heard in the conversation. We are asked to welcome the stranger, the lost, and the friendless and there are many avenues we can travel to do this type of work.
My partner Dan is a priest and is serving as a Priest in Charge in Milford, MA. We have been together 35 years and look forward to 35 more.
Hello, I am Mark Jacobson the Director of Music Ministries here at CTKE. I have studied music at Westfield State University and studied with several local area organists in the 1970s and 80s. My experience as a Church Organist and Choir Director spans 40 years in local churches such as Liberty United Methodist Church, The Episcopal Church of the Epiphany, Wilbraham United Church, and Hampden Federated, before coming "back" to Christ the King- Epiphany Church. I reside in Springfield with my husband Paul.
The Music Ministry at CTKE consists of Vocal and Handbell Choirs. The choral group sings for the weekly worship service and the handbell choir plays as often as possible. We present a range of musical styles including classical, spiritual, gospel, renewal/praise contemporary, Taize and ancient chant. The piano and pipe organ are the primary instruments for accompaniment, but we also strive for a creative synthesis of bells, drumming, and other instruments to heighten our worship experience. It is good to give God thanks and praise. Rehearsals are on Thursday evenings (September-June) for both groups. We invite you to explore participation in this fun, enthusiastic and faith filled ministry.
Hello and welcome to Christ the King Epiphany. I joined Christ the King Epiphany as parish administrator in September 2019 after a thirty-five-year career with the US Postal Service Human Resources Department. You can usually find me in the church office Tuesday through Thursday, 8:45 a.m. to 1:45 p.m.
I hope you found our website easy to navigate and informative.